
Was there something you wanted to say in Meeting for Worship but you didn’t have the time or feel comfortable enough to rise and speak?  In Brooklyn Meeting, we usually spend a few minutes after Meeting to share any afterthoughts.  Reply to this post if you have an afterthought to share with others.

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Let’s settle…

Bo Lauder, the principal at Friends Seminary sent around an endorsement of an upcoming workshop at Friends Council on clerking by Art Larrabee.  He does a great workshop and I recommend it to all Friends who might someday clerk a committee, a Friends Meeting or any Friends organization.  I attended one a number of years […]

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(Upper School Meeting for Worship) Many Friends consider the early phase of Meeting for Worship as “centering.”  I usually close my eyes and begin to be more aware of my breathing.  I usually tend to slouch and I try to sit more upright without allowing my muscles to tense up.  Sometimes when I exhale, I […]

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I have long wanted to write about my encounters with Quakerism as a teacher at a Friends school.  I am also eager to answer questions about Quakerism and how it can be applied to education in the 21st century. I welcome contributions, queries, and responses from Friends Seminary students, staff, parents, alums and the general […]

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