Let’s settle…

Bo Lauder, the principal at Friends Seminary sent around an endorsement of an upcoming workshop at Friends Council on clerking by Art Larrabee.  He does a great workshop and I recommend it to all Friends who might someday clerk a committee, a Friends Meeting or any Friends organization.  I attended one a number of years ago and I found it to be very helpful in my work as a teacher and a Friend.

Art explained how he begins a meeting by saying “Friends, let’s settle.”   This is not the same as “let’s have a moment of silence.”  Settling is an active process of turning one’s attention to the center within and to the needs of the group that is gathered.  The process of settleling is not necessarily a religious one and it admits multiple interpretations for Quakers and non-Quakers who are meeting together.   It is also a request to do something (settling) as opposed to just being something (silent).

What do other Friends say when beginning a meeting?

3 responses

  1. Ben, I’m working on my PD form to go to Art Larrabee’s workshop right now! I was looking forward to attending a clerking conference last fall, but hurricane Sandy foiled my plans. I’m hoping to attend and looking forward to learning more about the process of Quaker decision-making.

  2. That’s great Erin. I hope we can find another staff member to attend – it’s always great to have two to share the good ideas with each other that need to be brought back to Friends.

  3. I was on a committee that Art clerked in when I lived in Philadelphia, and the way he clerked has stayed with me ever since. Another thing he did was call on every hand that was up at once in order, and then let each person speak in turn, without interruption. I often use this in class now. He had a great feel for when to say, “Friends, lets take a minute to settle,” in the middle of discussions to return the focus to the center.

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