Brooklyn Meeting asked me to make a presentation to newcomers about Quaker history. I will upload the notes with some discussion questions in the next series of blog posts. In my outline of Quaker history ( I am following the examples of Howard Brinton in Friends for 300 Years and Leonard Kenworthy in Quakerism) I delineate six phases of Quaker history.
Phase I: Quaker Pentecost (1647 – 1660)
Phase II: Persecution and Sectarian Organization (1660 – 1691)
Phase III: Quietism and the Classical Period of Quakerism (1691-1827)
Phase IV: Division, Revival, Evangelism, Social concerns (1827-1887)
Phase V: Rise of Liberal Quakerism, Coalescence into inter-Yearly Meeting Organizations, Outreach & Missions (1895-1955)
Phase VI: Reunification of American Yearly Meetings, the AFSC generation, FWCC (1955- today)
This is certainly oversimplified but I hope that it will be useful.