Here are some links to some primary sources to provide the flavor of 17th century Quakerism.
Chapter 1 Here is a link to the first chapter of George Fox’s Journal George Fox – Chapter 1. Long time members of our faculty will remember the Light Cantata a piece that was written to honor Friends Seminary’s 200th Anniversary that was based on that first chapter. The second reading is a brief excerpt from Marmaduke Stevenson. He was one of four Quakers who were hanged in Boston (Mary Dyer is the best remembered!). One wonders how his wife and children fared after his martyrdom! Marmaduke Stevenson
Chapter 2 George Fox’s epistles were more carefully crafted than his journal and they probably better reflect his thought. Here is a link to several epistles to look over – some were written during the height of the persecution of Quakers. George Fox’s Epistles . Many Friends today appreciate the writings of Isaac Penington; here is a page from a blog that has a few excerpts Isaac Penington.