Recap on Session 1 and the readings for Session 2

The first session on Quaker History met today.  One thought we had during the session is that there is a tension between the charismatic, dynamic activism of the first generation of Friends and the quiet, well organized nature of Friends who founded successful institutions and businesses.  I believe that the tension between responsive activists who follow spiritual […]

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Let’s settle…

Bo Lauder, the principal at Friends Seminary sent around an endorsement of an upcoming workshop at Friends Council on clerking by Art Larrabee.  He does a great workshop and I recommend it to all Friends who might someday clerk a committee, a Friends Meeting or any Friends organization.  I attended one a number of years […]

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I have long wanted to write about my encounters with Quakerism as a teacher at a Friends school.  I am also eager to answer questions about Quakerism and how it can be applied to education in the 21st century. I welcome contributions, queries, and responses from Friends Seminary students, staff, parents, alums and the general […]

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