Borrowing Books

Borrowing Library Books

The good news is: we’re back to circulating library books this year! Wahoo!

More good news: in many cases, the new 10-day schedule allows us even more opportunities to do so during the school day than before! Wahooooo!

The not-so-good news: since parents and caregivers are not currently allowed on campus as a health and safety precaution, Lower School students will not have access to the library before and after school.

Even from afar, families are welcome to explore our holdings from home through Destiny, our library catalog. Families can also help their child stay on top of the books they have checked out by viewing their individual library account. To learn more about using Destiny, please click here.

Students are invited to have a total of 3 books checked out at a given time. Each library book is automatically given a 14 day lending period, and can be renewed once. Books can be returned at any time to the library entrance located in the 222 lobby.

Oh no! My student lost a library book! What should we do?

1. Sometimes library books make their way into funny places. Encourage your child to ask family, friends and classmates if they’ve seen it. Maybe the book looked so interesting someone else saw it and decided they couldn’t resist reading it? Maybe your child is going to make a Lost Book poster?

2. If that doesn’t work, have your child use this Lost Book Scavenger Hunt. Together, make a plan for a safe place to keep library books moving forward. Each home is different, so the right place will be slightly different for each family. If your child divides their time between more than one home, make a plan for each place. Write it down on the scavenger hunt and return it to Paula.

3. Paula will mark the book “lost” on your student’s library account. If the book turns up at any time, just have them return it and it will come off their account. If they don’t find the book before the end of the year, we ask families to either pay the cost of replacing it or for the student to spend one recess period doing library service. We’d rather have the library book than money or recess time, so keep looking for that book!

We thank you in advance for being good stewards of our shared collection so we can all enjoy this awesome resource.

*Please note, we kindly ask that families do not replace lost library books with copies purchased at book stores, as our books come processed for circulation through a library vendor.