October 27, 2023

Hello 1JB Families!

We can’t believe the month of October is coming to an end! 1JB has filled so much excitement and learning in this month and we can’t wait to share… check out the photos and information below!

Important dates/Reminders:

  • October 28: The Halloween Spooktacular will be held at Friends Seminary from 3-5 PM. Please use the 222 E 16th St. entrance.
  • October 31: Halloween Information: Lower School students are invited to bring costumes (in a bag) for a Lower School Halloween parade at the end of the school day. Children will leave school on Tuesday, Oct. 31 in their costumes. Please review the costume guidelines carefully.
    • Halloween costumes for school should:
      • Come to school in a bag labeled with the child’s name
      • Be in keeping with our Quaker values (no weapons or scary costumes)
      • Be easy to put on with independence (or very minimal assistance)
      • Be worn over clothing that is worn to school (ie nobody should need to undress in order to put on their costume)
      • Be safe to move around and walk in with independence
      • Include clothing / accessories (no face paint or make up)
      • Be individual (no group costumes)
      • Avoid the face (no masks, face paint or make up)
      • Not depict someone’s culture, heritage, or religion as this can be offensive or perpetuate stereotypes
  • November 3rd Family Visiting
  • Nov 9-10: Parent Teacher Conference: No school for students. 1JB Sign Up

What have we been learning and doing in 1JB?

Quaker Spices

We have begun our study of the Quaker SPICES: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship. We began with Simplicity. To do so, we discussed the word’s meaning and explored it through stories. One such story is The Magic Pillow, a Chinese folktale about a young boy who, upon falling asleep on a magic pillow, dreams of being rich and powerful and then losing those privileges. When he wakes up, he realizes his happy life is more valuable than any tangible gift.

Ask your child about these books. How did these books relate to the idea of simplicity?

Each student wrote and drew about what actions they take to practice simplicity.

What are ways YOU practice simplicity?

Social Studies

1JB was very excited to begin thinking about the post office and how it ties into the school-wide theme: Continuing A Culture of Connection. To start this process, we asked questions like, what does it mean to build a connection? and how do you make a connection? Through these questions, 1JB created a list of ways they all build connections. Here are some of the ideas we thought about:

  • Finding something in common
  • Making friends
  • Helping others
  • Being inclusive
  • Listening to others

To help us visualize this concept, 1JB created a web of connections! As students passed around a ball of yarn, they either complimented a classmate or asked a question.

We followed this up with some role-play. In small groups, students acted out the different ideas of connection! What does it look like when you invite someone to play? How do you find out you have something in common with someone? Ask your child about this activity! What did they act out? How did it go? Check out our videos in the link below!

IJB Building Community Role Play


During FUNdations, 1JB has continued tapping out and practicing CVC words. We have a routine to help us tap and blend words. Check it out below! Ask your child to show you this routine. You can practice with the following words: fix, quit, nap, or mud.

Students began writing and reading aloud sentences that included CVC and trick words. They also learned what it means to read with fluency! We practiced this by scooping sentences to show how we say them aloud. See the example below.

New trick words learned this week: is/his


During Language Arts, we read a poem called Little Ghosts. When working on poetry, we follow a similar pattern. First, we read the poem as a group. Second, we identify sight words and other specific language or words. For example, with this poem, we focused on the “number words.” Third, students are put into groups and given a line of the poem to practice together. While practicing, students create movements to accompany the line of the poem. We then come back together as a group. Each group stands up in order and recites their line with their movement.

Social Emotional Learning 

As a class, we read the book Don’t Hug Doug (He Doesn’t Like It). This story helped us discuss the topic of boundaries.

To help 1JB visualize what it means to have boundaries, we thought about personal space. Each student created their own personal bubble out of yarn. As students made their own bubbles, they noticed that everyone had different-sized bubbles! Students were able to explain to one another why they chose to make their bubbles a specific size. Ask your child about this activity! What size did they make their bubble? Why that size?

Identity Work

What does identity mean? Who are we? What makes us unique? What are some
things that are good for you?

1JB considered these questions and read the story I Am Every Good Thing.

Visit their websites:https://derrickdbarnes.com/ and https://www.gordoncjames.com/

One of the many goals of this book is that students gain self-awareness, confidence, and pride in themselves! To practice this, students created a Who Am I Web. They filled in prompts like: “I can ______” “I love ______” “I like to ____” etc,.

Special Guest Read Alouds


Special visitor Ruthie came to visit 1JB! Not only did she read the story Edward The Emu, but she brought in an emu egg! Students were amazed!! Ask your child about the story and the egg.

Community Time

For community time, 1JB spent time with their 4th-grade buddies! Ask your student what their buddy’s name is? What activities did they do with them?


1JB has continued practicing their number sense by doing an activity called Quick Images. In this activity, a pattern of dots appears on the screen and then quickly vanishes. We asked the students, “How many dots did you see? how did you see them?” Once the dots are gone, students have to draw what they saw. Students see patterns in different ways! For example, if a pattern of 6 dots appears on the screen, some students see 5+1 while others see 3+3. In this activity, we also practice efficient ways of counting! Dot images are an essential tool to help students build a visual link to composing and decomposing small numbers.

Jack O Lantern Math

During math this week, we did a problem-solving activity incorporating Jack-O-Lantern creation. Students were given 2 sets of eyes, 2 months, and 2 noses. The goal was to find as many different combinations of mouths, noses, and eyes as possible without repeating a pattern.

Halloween Collages & Writing

Students made Halloween collages with accompanying texts. Ask your child about the Halloween words they used for their writing.

D.E.A.R Time


1JB truly enjoys its activity period. Blocks, legos, drawing, and Halloween-themed activities! Check out all the creativity and joy that happens in our classroom during this time:

Ask your child what they like doing during activities!

Author Visit

This Friday, author Ana Aranda came to visit! Ana Aranda is the author and illustrator of many beautiful and thoughtful books like Our Day of the Dead Celebration and The Chupacabra Ate the Candelabra. Ana shared her love for murals, her playfulness with art, and her inspirations. Ask your child about this visit! What did they learn? Check out her books on her website above!

October 13, 2023

Hello 1JB Families!

Happy Spirit Day! 1JB had such a fun day being in community with one another and celebrating being at Friends!

Here are some important dates and reminders:

  • October 21 Fall Family Day of Service
  • October 26: Picture Day!
  • October 28 LS Halloween Party
  • November 3: Family Visiting Day
  • November 9th and 10th: Parent Conferences (in person)
  • Extra clothing!! Many went home during the rainstorm
  • VOLUNTEER AT THE FRIENDS SHELTER– If you have any questions please reach out to Katy Homans at katy@katyhomans.com

Check out what we’ve been doing in 1JB:

Community Time:

During the past week, 1JB talked a lot about peace and keeping people and places in the light. Students created their own peace crafts to represent images and words that mean peace.

Pumpkin Exploration!

1JB was gifted a batch of beautiful pumpkins! We began our classroom pumpkin exploration by making observations, learning about pumpkin facts, and sketching our pumpkins. Ask your child if they know the name of their pumpkin. What color is it? What other facts did you learn about pumpkins?

Sankofa: Check out this doc to see news from Mama Adia about what students have been learning and doing in Sankofa! News From Mama Adia

Handwriting and Spelling: 

1JB worked very hard in Fundations the past two weeks! They completed their review of all the letters, sounds, and their lowercase formation. We ended our week practicing the alphabetical order of our letters. You can practice sounds and letters with your child by asking questions like “What sound does the letter s make?” “What letter makes the /b/ sound?” “What is the keyword for letter d?” Next up, we will be reviewing and teaching how to blend and read three sound-short vowel words (CVC words). Students will also be learning how to segment and spell the words as well.

Ask your child about the vowel poster! Can they show you how we practice our vowel sounds?

Each week we will introduce three new trick words. These are high-frequency words that children should recognize instantly without sounding them out. Recognizing words by sight helps them become faster, more fluent readers. Many trick words are tricky to read and spell — they aren’t spelled the way they sound. Each week, when we introduce new words, the goal is for the children to learn how to read and spell them. Students will be introduced to spelling through multiple techniques and practices. This week we practiced: the, and, of

Ask your child about these words.

October Song

What words rhyme? What words are in color? How did you illustrate this poem?

Writing (Journals):

Journal writing is a weekly writing opportunity in 1JB. Students will respond to the prompt, “Who is someone that you spent time with this weekend? Why was that special for you?” Additionally, when students have had the opportunity to work in the block area, they will write about their creations.  All children are encouraged to use sound spelling but are moving toward conventional spellings of words as they are ready. During writing times, the children are encouraged to use resources in the classroom. We work individually with students to edit their work. We expect that students accurately spell words that follow a phonics pattern we have taught. For example, we have taught short /i/, and now the children should write those words correctly. Additionally, children should spell the sight words (that we have taught) with consistency.


1JB has wrapped up its Geometry unit! Up next is building number sense! The focus of this unit is on understanding how numbers can be made from other numbers. For example: 12 can be made from 6 and 6, from 10 and 2, or from 6,4, and 2. Taking numbers apart and putting them back together in different ways forms the basis for a lot of the mathematical work that your children will do in the elementary grades. 

Students will play games and solve problems in which they break numbers into parts in different ways.  For example, looking at a single pattern of 10 dots, some children see it as two groups of 5, some as five groups of 2, and some as two groups of 4 with 2 extra. As they share their way of thinking, they learn different ways of breaking 10 into parts.

Calendar Math

One of the math activities we do monthly in first grade is calendar math. Before starting calendar math, we discuss the days of the week and months of the year. To reinforce our learning, we watched videos and practiced naming the days of the week and months of the year. This knowledge helps students complete the calendar math assignments. During calendar math, students fill out a calendar grid to match the month we are in. After completing the grid, students answer questions focused on understanding the month.

The name of this month is ___________________.

There are ________ days in this month.

The FIRST day of the month is on a ________________.

The LAST day of the month is on a  ________________.


1JB is getting in the groove of D.E.A.R. time…Drop Everything And Read! Once a week students get to go book shopping for books that are just right for them and books of interest. Watching students dive into their books and read independently is so exciting. Ask your child what they read this week.

Family Visiting

Thank you for visiting 1JB! It was such a blast having a classroom full of families and fun. We can’t wait to have you back soon.


1JB truly enjoys the morning activity period. Chess, block building, pattern blocks, legos, and more! Check out all the creativity and joy that happens in our classroom during this time:

Ask your child what they like doing during activities!

See you all soon!

October 1, 2023

Hello 1JB Families!

Just like that, the month of September has come to a close. 

It has been so much fun watching 1JB become a community. 

Here are some important dates and reminders:

  • Friday, October 6: Family Visiting in 1 JB (8:30am)
  • Monday, October 9: Indigenous Peoples Day – School Closed
  • Tuesday, October 10: PD day, no school for students
  • Wednesday, October 11 (6-7:30pm): Meetinghouse for “A 21st Century Quaker Community”.
  • Thursday, October 12: After School Decorating
  • Friday, October 13:  ALL-SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY!
  • Thursday, October 26: Picture Day
  • VOLUNTEER AT THE FRIENDS SHELTER– If you have any questions please reach out to Katy Homans at katy@katyhomans.com

Here is a glimpse of what September looked like in 1JB:

Math: https://blogs.friendsseminary.org/lsmathematics/: Check out Hilary and Monica’s lower school math blog.

Our geometry unit has begun! We reviewed and learned important shapes: triangles, hexagons, trapezoids, and rhombuses. We asked questions like, “How many triangles fit in a rhombus?” Students created math faces out of shapes that were equivalent to 10 triangles. When students finished, they counted to show how many triangles would make up their faces.

We also played a game called “Let’s Pattern Block It”. Students took turns filling a large hexagon with shapes. After the hexagon was filled, they had to count the amount of each pattern block they used. Seeing all the different ways shapes can fill up a hexagon was exciting!

Another important part of math for 1JB this year is weather graphing. Each student in 1JB has their own weather graphing book where they will graph the weather at the end of every month! This Friday all students created their first weather graph for September! You can ask your child, how did your graph look? Do you remember how many sunny days you had in September?

Read Alouds:

One of our read-alouds this month centered around the idea of names…We all have names! Our names were chosen just for us and are part of our identity, or who we are. In 1JB and at Friends, we take care and respect each person’s identity. We read the book Alma and How She Got Her Name to support us with this idea.

After hearing the story, students were able to go around and share important parts of their families/names. You can ask your child about this story and engage in your own family conversation about names. Your child may even ask you if there is a story behind their name!

Throughout the story, Alma learns about her elders and ancestors and how they each connect to her life. To help students in 1JB think about their families and name stories, each student created a family tree.


This past week 1JB was introduced to Just Right Books! Students were able to explore different books in our classroom library and find books that felt just right for them! Ask your child about this process! What books did you find? How did you know it was just right?


1JB is continuing to review the sounds and formations of letters. Ask your child: what sound does this letter make? How do you sky write it?


1JB began journal writing! This a time when children not only practice writing but also work on their handwriting. All students in 1JB are working on using lowercase letters. We remind students that if we have reviewed the formation of a letter during Fundations, they are expected to be writing it in lowercase.

Social Studies:

In thinking about our future Post Office study, 1JB took part in a Post Office KWL (Know, Wonder, Learned). As they shared their pictures from their summer post office visits, students discussed what they already knew about the Post Office, their observations, and questions. Look how much 1JB knows and wants to find out about the Post Office!

Community Period

1JB met with their fourth-grade buddies! To help 1JB get to know their new buddies they created venn diagrams and asked each other questions. They discovered things they had in common and things that made them different! Ask your child about their new buddy. What is the name of their buddy? Did they have anything in common?

Classroom Community

In our classroom, we learn and practice Whole Body Listening. As a class, we discussed the importance of Whole Body Listening and how it helps our minds and bodies learn better! Ask your child what this looks like?








We hope you all had a safe and dry weekend!